Blurb: Megan promises listeners to her new radio call-in show that she'll "slay their personal demons," and they believe her. So do the personal demons... although she doesn't know it, Megan is the only human without a demon on her shoulder! Megan and her allies -- a demon lover who both protects and seduces her with devilish intensity, a witch with poor social skills, and three cockney guard demons -- have to deal not only with the personal demons, but a soul-sucker, ghosts of Megan's past, and a reporter who threatens to destroy Megan's career!
Review: Megan only wants to help people, and with her new radio show, she hopes to reach a wider audience. Yet her boss wants to commercialize it and deems her the demon slayer. Real demons, of course, have a problem with that. A nightmare from her past has left her as the only human without a personal demon--a demon on her shoulder--but she doesn't remember exactly what happened. Remembering it is the only thing that will save her life now, and she has to do it before one of the most powerful demons steals her body and brings terror to the world.
This is the first book in a fun and fast-paced urban fantasy series. Megan is a smart protagonist with the genuine intention of helping people. I appreciate truly smart women in books. She's bold and daring, but she's not looking for trouble or for the bad boy she falls for. With all the men in her life trying to manipulate her, she has the strength to stand up to them and try to get her career on the track she wants. And the men are highly manipulative. Every one of them has their own plans and she's just a tool for them. Of course, it's all complicated by the fact that not only are demons real, but magic and the whole supernatural world. As her mind tries to wrap around it, she's guided by the gorgeous Grayson who's a demon himself. The way he's written, he's one of the bad boy love interests that I fall for. Stacia Kane does that very well. I love the three demonic bodyguards hired for Megan. They made me laugh. There are lots of plots and schemes twisting together to a fantastic ending.
You can find Stacia Kane on her publisher's site and buy the book here.