Huzzah! I hit the 50,000 word goal yesterday with my NaNoWriMo project, Blight of the Necromancer (Khthonia #3). I did my happy dance, but I'm saving my celebratory cookies until I finish the first draft. The total word count for my WIP is 61,000 now, but I suspect there is another 30,000 to go. Maybe more! It's going to be a hefty book.
I've been doing well with my short story submissions this year too. I submit at least one a month, and I've been trying out new genres like Solarpunk and Lunarpunk. Writing stories that are hopeful and optimistic is a refreshing change from my usual dark paranormal tales.
Once I finish my fantasy LitRPG trilogy, I don't know if I'll write any more in that genre for a while. I do enjoy it, but I have so many other ideas brewing, and I miss the faster pace of urban fantasy and the tangled relationships in romances.
I'm nearly at the 100 books mark for my Goodreads goal this year. I was ahead earlier this year, but I've been reading some thicker books this fall.
To the writers still striving to get their 50,000 words, you can do it! I believe in you.
I followed your progress! Very impressive. Congratulations, Christine! I'm wishing you much success in the new year.
Congratulations! Two-thirds of the way there. And impressive amount of books read.