Blurb: When Charley Richards left the UK to work in Chicago for a year, she left a piece of her heart with Brayden McKie. After months of almost meeting, their only date had been on Christmas Eve. Now, with her mind full of the wonderful memories they made, she can’t help but wish the time away until she can go home to him.
However, when Brayden drops a bombshell just weeks before Charley’s return, her world is rocked, and her plans make a swift and unexpected change.
Is the universe playing a cruel trick on her by offering her a man she can never really have? Or will fate work in her favor and finally give her the one thing she wants more than anything in the world?
Review: Charley Richards is about to leave the UK to work for a year in Chicago when she meets the man of her dreams, Brayden McKie. When she's away, her feelings for him only grow, and she's eager to go home after the year is up. But then he breaks her heart and she stays another year away from home, unable to get him out of her mind. Yet did Charley really lose him or will she be able to come back home to where her heart is?
A marvelously written short romance that hits all the right ups and downs. Charley is sweet and hopeful, and I wanted everything to work out her way. My heart plummeted with hers when it broke. I love her cast of friends who were so much fun and supportive in the right ways. While there are no surprises, this is a total feel-good read, and I know this amazing author never disappoints. It was perfect to curl up on a cold day with and snuggle with a purring cat.
You can find Kyra Lennon on Twitter and buy Come Back To What You Know here for only 99c!
I love Kyra's books. I need to grab this one.